Zerodha Office: Nitin Kamath, founder of the popular trading platform Zerodha, had got a police raid conducted at his own office. The police came to the office (Zerodha Office) and said that Nitin Kamat is a fraud. This created a sensation in the entire office and the employees cried bitterly. However, this police was fake. In this, Kannada actors were cast in the roles of police. Nitin Kamat had made a big joke with his employees. This entire prank was also videographed. After this, Nitin Kamat and Nikhil Kamat came forward and informed the employees about this joke.
Fake policemen said that your fraudulent founder ran away
Nitin Kamat told about this joke during the podcast of Avalon Labs CEO and Founder Varun Mayya. He said that these Kannada actors did amazing work. We had made a complete video of this prank. These fake policemen came to the office and said that your founder is a fraud and he has run away. The reaction of the employees after this was worth seeing. Almost half our office was in tears. No one ever thought that a stock broker could pull such a joke.
5 years back, when we were much smaller, a lot lesser issues to deal with and hence testosterone was still at play, had carefully executed this mega prank at our office. 🙂 Happy fools day.
— Nithin Kamath (@Nithin0dha) April 1, 2019
Wanted to see how the team handles the stress
During the podcast, Nitin Kamath said that we wanted to see how our team reacts under stress. It is seen in the video that the fake police shows the fake order of a High Court to the employees. These people also instruct the employees to stop work. During this time some employees also try to talk to the policemen. At last Nitin Kamat and Nikhil Kamat come and reveal the joke. An employee who was present during that fake raid has written on the video that today it can be comfortably watched and laughed at. But, that day I was not able to laugh.
Used to talk to journalists for at least 2 hours every day.
Nitin Kamath said during the podcast that he started his social media journey with LinkedIn in 2018 and Twitter in 2019. Before that he was managing the social media of Zerodha. He said that I had realized the power of content. The company always got profit after any of our posts. He understood the importance of YouTube long ago. Zerodha Founder told that he had started blogging from the very first day. He used to talk to journalists for at least 2 hours every day from 2011 to 2018. He said that business of money is based on trust and credibility, hence you will have to create your own content.
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